Early this morning as I was drinking my coffee and surfing the web, I came across an article that discussed choosing the right contractor. Now, granted, this was for building a home or a residential re-model, but it made me think. How should you choose your AV contractor for that next project? What I found from reading the article was that almost all of the principles applied to our industry as well.
Whether you choose JW Audio Visual Systems for your next AV project or another professional AV contractor, I encourage you to consider the points made in the article referenced below. The bottom line is, it doesn’t matter if you choose a large contractor or a small contractor, you should feel comfortable with who you decide to work with. And don’t let price be the sole deciding factor. It may end up costing you more in the long run if you immediately decide to go with the lowest price bid. Consider how you would choose someone to build your house. You’re not going to pick someone you’re not comfortable with and you shouldn’t for your next AV project either. Enjoy the read.